Annual audits acc. to §§ 316 ff. HGB
The annual audit is more than the certification regulated by the legislative body. The opinion of an expert has a…
Voluntary annual audits
A voluntary annual audit offers companies that are not subject to statutory audit a chance! In the course of Basel…
Auditing of German subsidiaries of compa
AMC GmbH - Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft now also audits German subsidiaries of companies publicly traded in the USA Companies that are listed…
Preparing consolidated financial stateme
Parent companies acc. to 290 HGB are obliged to prepare an consolidated financial statement if the affiliated companies have a…
Preparing special-purpose balance sheets
Compared to the normal annual financial statement that has been prepared till the end of the financial year, there are…
Special audits
In addition to the normal annual audit there are numerous reasons for special audits. Our experts take care of you…
Audit of truth of the management acc. to
In addition to the annual audit acc. to HGB, publicly owned companies have to carry out an audit of the…
Corporate Governance
The requirements on companies and manager substantially increased in the last years. The markets are internationally and the competition is…
Consulting in implementation of an adequ
The requirements on companies and manager substantially increased in the last years. The markets are internationally and the competition is…
Consulting close to the audit
The audit assigns you manifold tasks and complex questions. We prepare tailor-made solutions in order to meet the challenges of…
Audit acc. to the German Statute on the
The annual statutory audit acc. to § 16 par. 1 MaBV as well as the extraordinary audits acc. to §…
Audit for the waste management industry
Companies that put packagings on the market for the first time are acc. to the German Regulation on Packaging obliged…
Audit of power supply companies referrin
The IDW issued the auditing standard "Prüfung von Energieversorgungsunternehmen (IDW PS 610)". In this audit guidelines the Institute of Public…
Reorganization expertises
First there is the question when is a company in a crisis. That is the case when the economic and/or…
Trust administration
It is not always possible to take care of all financial matters yourself. We would like to support you with…
Support in adjusting and reporting acc.
From our point of view an adjusting on international accounting standards (IFRS) is not only a challenge but also a…
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