As we as auditing company carry out statutory annual audits according to §§ 316 et sqq. HGB, we have the quality of our work verified by an independent, external auditor. We are not allowed to carry out audits in the above mentioned extent without having successfully participated in peer review.
Issues of the so called Peer Reviews are et al.:
- Organization of auditor's practice
- Complying with the strict duties (discretion, independence, professional principles etc.)
- Qualification of staff
- Guarantee of education and further education by regular seminars and reading expert literature
- Planning annual audits (audit strategy, structure of staff, factual and chronological audit planning)
- Expert literature, tools and check lists
- Provisions in order to secure data relevant for audits in electronic and physical form, compliance with the German Data Protection Act
- Controlling the audit process
- Reviewing the audit results (report criticism by professional but independent person)
- Quality assurance
- Controlling the review
- Controlling the quality assurance manual
At AMC GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft an absolute certificate has been added to all audit issues. Hence, our practical organization and quality of our work have been expressively documented outwards.